How to attempt Urdu Paper 2nd year

Many shining students do not get good marks in Urdu just because they do not know how to attempt the paper. There are rules for Urdu paper and you have to follow all if you want to get good marks in it. 

Here are some tips based on the paper of a board topper who got 95 marks in Urdu in the board exams 2024.

More resources:
1. 2nd year All subjects Notes
2. 2nd year all subjects pdf Books
3. 2nd year all subjects guess papers
4. 2nd year subjects paper pattern

2nd year Urdu paper presentation

The first thing you keep in mind is the presentation of the paper. The look of your answer sheet is the 1st impression of your paper that a checker gets before he really starts marking your paper. 

So the 1st thing to keep in mind is the clean layout with proper headings and subheadings.

Attempt Urdu paper for Good marks

Your 1st aim must be to get good marks. Every student wants to get good marks in all subjects. But Urdu is the only subject in which many students fail just because they attempt the paper poorly and with the way, rules don't allow. 

You should download this helpful 2nd year Urdu full book 100 MCQs solved notes. 

You can see the following tips to attempt your Urdu paper in a proper way:

1. Use Marker and Headings

The first thing that makes your impression is the use of marker and headings. Headings make it easy for the paper examiner to quickly understand the various parts, questions, and portions of answers on your answer sheet. 

headings are also necessary for a clean and attractive layout of the paper. So, use Marker for the following headings:

  • Questions
  • Subheading of your answers
  • Writing verses (ashaar) and quotations
  • Difficult words or keywords within the texts.
While using headings, it is important to use two sizes for fonts. Use a little larger fonts for main headings for example titles, question No. etc and use a little smaller fonts for subheadings for example headings in your essay, siaq-osabaaq, tashreeh etc.

Tip: To differentiate the main headings and subheadings, you can underline the main headings, or you can centralize the main headings.

2nd year urdu paper presentation tips

2. Better Start new Questions on a new page

If your answer to the previous question end below half of the page, start a new question on the next page. It will make it easy for your paper checker to move to various questions of your paper. 

The more easiness you provide to the paper marker, the more marks you will get out of favor. The letter must be started on a new page.

3. Use Couplets (Poetry) and Quotes

You can use ashaar (verses of poetry) and quotes in your paper. The best parts of your paper to include qoutes and petry are essay, letter, explanation of stanzas, and explanation of Nasar. 

You may not add these into Khulasas of Nasar and poem. Use blue marker while writing these quotes and pieces of poetry. aways keep a line space above and below the piece of poetry or quote.

2nd year Urdu paper presentation sample

4. Write in proper quantity

Yes, the main thing here is the quantity of the content you write for each answer. There are certain rules which tell who much you will write for each question. Here are the various questions and their relevant tips:
  1. Explanation of Poems (Nazam k Ashaar ki tashreeh) = 3-4 pages
  2. Explanation of Ghazal (Ghazal k ashaar ki tashreeh) = 1-1.5 page for each Shair
  3. Siaq-oSabaaq = 8-12 lines
  4. Explanation of Nasar (nasar k paragraph ki tashreh) = minimum 2 pages
  5. Summary of lesson(sabaq ka Khulasa) = almost 2 pages (+, - 4-5 lines)
  6. Summary of Poem (Nazam ka Khulasa) = 7-10 lines
  7. Essay (Mazmoon) 5-6 pages
  8. Letter (Khat) = almost 1.5-2 pages
  • While writing tashreh of nasar, include 2-3 lines for the introduction of the author, do not include poetry in Khulasa of Nazam.
  • There are 3 verses of Ghazals and you have to explain each separately, so the explanation for 1 verse should be at least 1 page and not more than 1.5 pages. You can include more verses in the explanation.
  • While writing the answer to any question, do not repeat the same words or sentences again and again. 
  • You can download our best Urdu essays notes for 2nd year.

5. Start from Smaller to bigger

It is a good strategy to attempt your paper starting from the shortest answer to the longest one. for example, the longest part of your paper is the essay, so, attempt it at the end of the paper. 

You can have the following scheme according to the content of the answer, the time it takes and the weight of the marks:

The ideal arrangement

  1. Khulasa of Nazam
  2. Letter
  3. Nazam k ashaar ki tashreh
  4. Sabaq ka Khulasa
  5. Nasar k paragraph ki tashreh
  6. Ghazal k ashaar ki tashreh
  7. Essay

6. Follow the clock

You have three hours to solve all the questions. The 1st 20 minutes are assigned to the objective paper. The remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes are assigned to the subjective paper. 

So, you have to attempt the remaining 6 questions in two hours and forty minutes. Many students cannot attempt the complete paper and the time is up. 

So, if you want to get high marks, you must attempt the complete paper and attempt all questions in the light of the guidelines given above.

You can assign the following time to various questions:
  • Look at the question paper draw margins etc (2 minutes)
  • Nazam ka Khulasa (5 minutes)
  • Letter (10 minutes)
  • Nazam k ashaar ki tashreh (25 minutes)
  • Sabaq ka Khulasa (20 minutes)
  • Nasar k paragraph ki tashreh (20 minutes)
  • Ghazal k ashaar ki tashreh (33 minutes)
  • Essay (35 minutes)
  • Check your aswersheet (5 minutes)
In this way, you can easily attempt your paper in the best possible way. To attempt your paper in time and to follow the above-mentioned timing scheme, your speed must be as follows:
  • 6-7 minutes per page

7. Have a look at the answer sheet

After you have solved the paper, spare 5 minutes to look back at your answer sheet and make sure that all the headings are correct. match the question numbers on the question paper with that you have written on the answer sheet. 

If you have more than 5 minutes left, better deeply look into the paper to find small errors and mistakes and correct them.

8. General Tips:

  1. Writing does not matter in the paper. It is the content you write. The paper checker reads your paper thoroughly. He will give you a few marks if you have written more irrelevant content. If your writing can be read and understood easily, there is no problem with the style of writing. Anyhow try to write as good as you can while not compromising the speed.
  2. Read textbooks thoroughly and do not totally depend on guide books.
  3. use proverbs, ayaats, Ahadith, etc where it fits right.
  4. Give equal time to Urdu as you give to other subjects as it carries the same marks as other subjects.
  5. Learn the names of the authors and poets and their short biographies well.
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Anonymous said...

Thank you. Good tips.

sadia said...

Thank you so much....these tips will help me to cover my paper in time

Muhammad Mursaleen said...

Very Nice,,,,,, good work,,,,, Bundle Thank's for giving like kind information about Study 🥰

Muhammad Mursaleen said...

Thank's ❤️


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Anonymous said...

Thnkiyou sir❤️❤️