10th class all subjects paper patterns

Here are the paper patterns of all subjects of matric 10th class. You can see the list of subjects below and their paper patterns are given in the linked posts. 

Complete guidance with a past paper and layout of all papers and their sketch and schemes are given here. The students of 10th class, whether they study science or arts, may follow these instructions to prepare for their board exams.

10th class paper pattern 2025 Punjab Boards

These model papers, or you can say paper patterns are for all Punjab boards i.e Lahore board, Gujranwala Board, Sahiwal Board, Multan Board, Faisalabad Board, Rawalpindi Board, D.G Khan board, etc. 

The subjects include physics, chemistry, biology, math, computer science, English, Urdu, Pak Studies, civics, Punjabi, Islamiat, Education, Imraniat, economics, and other subjects of science and arts.

10th class paper scheme all subjects

Zahid Notes, provides all subjects guess papers and notes of 10th class in PDF. You can brows this website and or search through search box here. 10th class students also see the pairing scheme of all subjects for 2025 exams which will be updated on January 2025. 

I have been preparing some other help materials like pairing schemes, upto date papers, keybooks, objective notes, MCQs and short questions notes for all subjects of 10th class.

10th class paper patterns PDF

Below are the paper patterns and paper schemes of all subjects of the 10th class.

10th class English Paper Pattern

10th class Urdu Paper Pattern

10th class Chemistry Paper Pattern

10th class Biology Paper Pattern

10th class Physics Paper Pattern

10th class Islamic Study Paper Pattern

10th class Civics Paper Pattern

10th class Education Paper Pattern

10th class Punjabi Paper Pattern

10th class Imraniat Paper Pattern

10th class Economics Paper Pattern

10th class Persian Pattern

10th class Arabic Paper Pattern

10th class Psychology Pattern

10th class Islamiat Ikhtyari Paper Pattern

10th class Statistics Paper Pattern

10th class Urdu Advance Paper Pattern

Also See: 
4. B.A Part 1 all subjects paper patterns
5. B.A Part 2 All subjects paper patterns

I have given a comprehensive explanation of all the items of the tests and papers. For example I have explained the layout of the paper and explained how many short questions and how many long questions will come in exams. I have also explained the choice and other aspects of paper according to the pattern.

More items for 10th class:
1. 10th class notes
2. 10th class guess papers
3. 10th class books
4. 10th class pairing schemes
5. 10th class supply exams pass

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