10th class all subjects notes PDF download

Here is a list of subject wise notes of all subjects of 10th class All Punjab Boards. The notes are in PDF format and you can download them from our website Zahid Notes. Physics, chemistry, biology, maths, Urdu, English, General science notes are available here.

10th class Notes PDF Download

I have give you the list of all subjects notes for class 10. This list inludes MCQs, Short questions and long questions chapterwise and full book notes for all Subjects. The notes are in English Medium and Urdu Medium.

10th class pdf notes for federal and punjab boards

Class 10 Notes for Punjab Boards and Federal Board

Although the some subjects for Punjab boards and federal boards are different and some are same, yet I have given the notes for Both boards here. If want to download the notes only for FBISE, then go to the following post:

10th class federal board notes

Now the table shows all categories of notes. Simply click on the link to download the corresponding notes.

10th class notes are very easy and simple full book notes. Chapter wise files become too many files to be maintained by the students. We provide only a single all in one pdf file for all chapters. 

The solution to your educational needs and notes are available at Zahid Notes. Matric students can find the notes here for all subjects both Urdu and English medium. Short questions, long questions and MCQs are given all subjects.

English Medium and Urdu Medium Notes

The notes are in Urdu medium and English Medium. The numericals for physics are also given as separate notes.

10th class Notes 2021 Download

English Complete notes
Urdu Complete Notes
Islamiat (Comp) Notes
Biology Short Questions
Biology Complete Notes
Biology MCQs solved
Physics (MCQs)
Physics Short questions
Physics Complete Notes
Physics Numericals
Chemistry Complete Notes
Chemistry MCQs
Chemistry Short Questions (EM)
Computer Short questions (UM)
Computer Complete Notes
Computer MCQs
Maths (Sci) Complete Notes
Math (Sci) MCQs
General Science (MCQs)
General Science Short questions
Math (Arts) Notes
Civics complete Notes
Education notes
Home economics Notes
Punjabi Complete notes
Pak Study Complete notes

1. 10th Class More Items 

Now if you like the 10th class notes. you may like to see the following more items related to class 10. Please notes that some links may not work as the notes for those subjects are not uploaded yet. When these notes are complete and uploaded, the links will also be updated.

Class 10

Guess papers
Paper Schemes 2021
Key Books
Paper Patterns

I am a little bit busy with the new pape schemes and smart syllabus notes which are under process and some chapters have been covered. Now the Lahoe board, Multan board, Sahiwal board, Faisalabad board, Rawalpindi Board, Multan Board, Sargodha Board and DG Khan board notes are bein prepared.

10th class Notes for Punjabi, Home economics, Civics, education and General Math for arts students will be uploaded. Both English medium and Urdu medium vesion will be added here soo Inshaa Allah.


dramas films storiessaid...

Sir this notes is also for hyderabad board


10th Class Chemistry solved exercise is no avable.

Anonymous said...

sir plz without dowland show the notes