Biology Important Guess for FSc Part 2 2019

Second Year important Biology guess papers 2019

Here is Biology guess of important questions for F.Sc Part II 2019. The students can download free notes and guess papers for Second Year class FSc Part II. The guess includes important questions for the Students of Biology FSc Part 11. The guess includes important short questions and long questions according to the Board exams 2019. Zahid Educational Notes provides free resources like notes, papers, guess, tips, educational books, etc for teachers and the students. Please notes that We do offer some paid services like Books and courses. 

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Importatn Short questions


  1. Define deforestation.
  2. Write names of disease caused due to nutritional deficiency.
  3. What is sickle cell anaemia?
  4. Differentiate between heterochromatin and euchromatin.  (3)
  5. What are Okazaki fragments? Give their length. (2)
  6. Name type of RNA. (2)
  7. Differentiate between transcription and translation. (3)
  8. What is the law of segregation?
  9. What are fraternal and identical twins? How they are produced. (3)
  10. What are advantages of cloning? Tissue culture and cloning. (2)
  11. Explain sex-limited traits.
  12. Define central dogma.
  13. Give characteristic of the profundal zone.
  14. Give the sources and harmful effects of chlorofluorocarbons.
  15. Define semi-conservative replication.
  16. Differentiate between hydrosere and xerosere.
  17. What is commensalism? Give example. (2)
  18. Define population pressure. Give its effects on an ecosystem.
  19. Define point mutation and chromosomal aberration. (2)
  20. Differentiate between monohybrid and dihybrids.
  21. Differentiate between population and community.
  22. Differentiate between consumers, producers and decomposers. (2)
  23. Define anhydrobiosis with an example. (2)
  24. Define haptonastic movements. All types of nastic. Tropic movements. Give examples. (4)
  25. What is a tumor?
  26. What is Turner's syndrome? Give its causes and feature. (2)
  27. What are fossils? Where most of the fossils found? (2)
  28. Differentiate between dendrons and axons.
  29. What is totipotent?
  30. Write two measures to prevent aids.
  31. What is acidic rain?
  32. What is pleiotropy? Give example.
  33. What is biodegradable plastic and its origin?
  34. What are pyrogens?
  35. Differentiate between sclerenchyma and collenchyma cells. (2)
  36. What is herniation of discs?
  37. What is habituation? Give examples.
  38. Differentiate between homology and analogy.
  39. Define parthenocarpy and example.
  40. Write structure and functions of corpus luteum.
  41. What are alkaptonuria and its causes?
  42. Write characteristics of plant life in desert ecosystem.
  43. What are poikilotherms? Give one example. (2)
  44. What is the difference between CNS and PNS?
  45. What is imprinting?
  46. What is epilepsy?
  47. Define vernalization. Give example.
  48. Define biogeochemical cycles.
  49. What is Parkinson's disease?
  50. What is test cross? Write its importance. (2)
  51. The concept of incomplete dominance and codominance.
  52. Define parasitism. Give examples.
  53. Ozon depletion. Effects
  54. Greenhouse effect. (2)
  55. Open growth. (2)
  56. Define Nucleosomes
  57. What are constituents of purines?
  58. Give two adaptations for the terrestrial ecosystem.
  59. Write importance of photoperiodism in plants. (2)
  60. What is mycorrhiza?
  61. Why leaves are said to be excretophores?
  62. Define regeneration.
  63. What are restriction enzymes?

Important Long Questions

  1. Discuss excretion in cockroach.
  2. Discuss excretion in planaria.
  3. Discuss excretion in plants. (3)
  4. What is endoskeleton? Describe bone and cartilage.
  5. Describe the significance of secondary growth in plants. Phases of plants growth. (2)
  6. Write a note on paratonic movements in plants.
  7. Explain osmoregulation in plants and marine animals.
  8. Write a note on the human appendicular skeleton and axial skeleton. (2)
  9. Give a detailed note on sliding filament model.
  10. Types of joints.
  11. Write a note on deforestation and afforestation. (3)
  12. Elaborate some major functions of skeleton system.
  13. Explain endosymbiont hypothesis for the origin of eukaryotic cells.
  14. Explain evolution from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. (5)
  15. Nervous system of hydra is better developed than that of planaria. Discuss. (2)
  16. What are receptors? Describe their different types.
  17. Write a note on adrenal gland.
  18. Compare asexual reproduction with sexual reproduction.
  19. How nerve impulse is produced and passed from one neuron to the other neuron. Explain. (3)
  20. Define the following terms: habitat, niche, food chain, food web, Climax community, succession, habitat (6)
  21. Explain female reproductive system in human.
  22. Define modern synthesis.
  23. Write a note on wildlife. (3)
  24. Describe nitrogen cycle. (5)
  25. Write a note on test tube babies and identical twins. (3)
  26. What are chromosomes? What do you know about their types?
  27. Write a detailed note on regeneration. (2)
  28. Explain sexually transmitted diseases in human with the help of examples. (2)
  29. Sketch DNA replication fork and label (no description) all models. (3)
  30. Analyze Darwin’s theory of natural selection as the mechanism of natural selection.
  31. Define and explain Mendel’s Law of segregation. (2)
  32. Describe the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
  33. Explain the phenomenon of gene linkage. Linkage groups. (3)
  34. Write a note on aging. Explain causes and symptoms. (5)
  35. Discuss genetics of color blindness. (2)
  36. Explain the phenomena of eutrophication. (2)
  37. Define pollution. Describe the causes and effects of water pollution.
  38. Cell cycle. (3)
  39. Write a note on Tundra ecosystem.
  40. What is abnormal development? Give various factors affecting abnormal development.
  41. Explain biotic components of an ecosystem.
  42. Discuss male reproductive system in human.
  43. How energy is provided for muscle contraction. (3)

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Important Note:

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