Today I am going to upload chapter-wise MCQs of 1st year math. Now this page has link to download ICS part 1, FSc part 1 maths chapterwise mcqs solved in a single pdf file.
1st year Math chapter wise MCQs solved PDF
When you here this, hear this right. I have just uploaded here the pdf notes for all chapters mcqs of 1st year for fsc part 1 and ICS part 1.
1st year maths MCQs notes for intermediate or HSSC part 1 are here.
Prepared by: Sulman Sherazi
These notes have been prepared by Sulman Sherazi. So, these are best mcqs notes for ics part 1 math. These notes include all chapters of math.
Important and best possible MCQs have been selected from all chapters of math book. Every chapter has different portions. The answers of MCQs are marked in bold.
1st year Mathematics MCQs with answers pdf
If you take it seriously, you can prepare only these mcqs, you will get good marks in your math paper. These notes have been prepared by Sulman Sehrazi, the subject specialist. So, you dont need to worry about the quality of these notes.
To, download these notes in pdf, just click the download button given below the image. I have updated an image in this post so that it is easy to find Maths MCQs notes in pdf here.
These notes have been downloaded my time from Zahid Notes. Zahid Notes provide best quality notes to you. So, just download pdf and start prepartion of math today.
FSc, ICS part 1 math chapter wise mcqs with answers
Zahid Notes provide free notes of maths for ICS and FSc part 1. You can download all notes in pdf. The notes include chapter 1 t chapter 14 all chapters mcqs with answerkey. These notes can be downloaded by clicking the download button given below the post picture.

Now if you can download the file easily, you should know the following things.
I have also uploaded all subjects Punjab text book board book in pdf. You can go to that section and easily download all subjects pdf book for 1st year from that page.
Apart from this, I have almost completed all subjects pdf notes for 1st year, FSc part 1, FA part 1, and ics part 1 on Zahid Notes.
You can also see the following helpful posts for 1st year students:
Thnks mate
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