Medical Entry Test preparation at home Tips

 The students, after passing F.Sc in Pre-medical, usually prefer to be enrolled in the MBBS course. The medical colleges and universities conduct an entrance test to filter in the best students for this course.

 The students have to pass these entry tests, in any case, to be considered for the admission.

Here are some tips for the students who want to prepare for the entry test at home. If you have joined an academy, you can still see this list of tips.

Also See: What to do if not selected in MBBS

Best Tips for Entry test Preparation at Home

medical entery test MDCAT preparation tips

1. The best books to study

Many students buy costly books of different authors and publishers but they still end up failing in the test. There are two possible reasons for that: (i) they just purchased the books and did not study them thoroughly. (ii) they bought the wrong books. 

Your Tip: 

The best books to study for entry tests are your F.Sc course books. Yes, it is true. The entry test is made from those books. 

So, after you come home after attending your last F.Sc paper, start revising the course again. Also, learn the glossary given at the end of the textbooks. I have observed that some questions come from the glossary.

2. The best time to start preparation

The best time to start your preparation is during your F.Sc. If you study your F.Sc course with a little more hard work understanding all the concepts and keeping them in mind for a long time, your entry tests preparation is already done.

Remember, if you plan to go in for medicine or engineering, there are three benefits of working hard in your F.Sc. (i) good marks in F.Sc, (ii) Entry test preparation done, (iii) Benefit in merit if you have good marks in F.Sc. 

So, the best time to start your preparation is somewhere the test session of your F.Sc. Consider those tests as your MCAT or ECAT or MDCAT. 

Just see that the merit is made with 40% of F.Sc marks aggregate. So, getting more and more marks in F.Sc will give you huge benefits.

You can make a timetable so that you may not miss your other activities. You can set five hours a day preparing it. 

The one in the early morning, usually after your Fajar Prayer, and one in the morning usually from 10-11 am. One hour from 3-4 pm and two hours in the night usually from 9 pm to 11 pm.

Remember Again: Your entry tests are made from your ICS/F.Sc course books.

3. Keep in mind the timings

Many students do not have an idea of when the entry tests are conducted and when to apply for them. 

So, many of them miss out on their opportunity due to their own negligence. 

The universities or colleges have their own dates for the commencement of admissions and applications for admissions. You have to be aware of when they announce the new admissions.

Your Tip:

Enlist all the medical colleges and universities where you want to apply, usually the applications for the entry tests open just after the F.Sc part 2 exams. 

So, if you want to take ECAT, make a list of all universities and institutions where you can apply. 

If you want to take MCAT, make a list of all medical colleges and universities where you want to apply. Keep visiting their website regularly. 

For you: 

So, make sure that you keep in contact with these universities by regularly visiting their websites or by calling them on the phone number given on their websites. 

If you have an active friend who can do this better than you, keep in contact with him and keep asking for the latest information.

General Timings:

1. The entry tests are usually conducted 30-40 days after the F.Sc/ICS part 2 exams.
2. The time for the entry test is 100 minutes, for 100 MCQs. So, you have 1 minute to solve 1 MCQ.
3. It takes almost one week to 10 days for entry test results to be declared.
4. You have to apply for the admissions right after the entry test result is announced.

4. Best Resources for Preparation of your test

As I have told, the best books are your F.Sc/ICS course books, but you must go for other sources like online websites, some good guide books, group studying, consulting some specialists, etc. 

You may have some friends who had passed the entry tests. So you must take advantage of every possible resource you can find in your access. 

Your Tip: 

There are websites like Ilm ki Dunya,, etc which have the facility to take online tests and video lectures. 

If you have internet you can watch videos, take online tests to check your preparation level.  

You can consult the past papers of Entry tests as well. A small proportion of questions appear from past papers too. 

But it will also give you an idea of the layout and types of questions that appear in Entry tests.

5. Attempting the Test in the Best way

When you sit for the test, do not take the pressure. Believe that you can solve the maximum questions.  1st of all solve the easiest questions, then easier than easy and then difficult ones. 

For example, If you have good English, you can solve the English portion 1st. 

So, plan it in the way that you solve all the questions in time. Do not cheat, always attempt the paper with your own knowledge.

6. Understanding the concepts

In Entry tests, whether it is MCAT or ECAT, you cannot do anything by cramming. concepts will make you pass the exams. Ratta will not work in entry tests at all. 

You may pass F.Sc with Ratta but Entry tests are not made for this. You have to clarify your concepts. 

That is the reason why toppers in F.Sc fail in Entry tests. 

That is the major reason why students join academies for the entry tests. You can do it at your home easily.

Your Tip:

Read the textbooks of your F.Sc/ICS carefully. Read every line and every word and try to understand it. Online video lectures will help you a lot. 

You can use a mobile dictionary or Google to find the meaning of difficult words or terms. 

So, make sure you have clarity on the topics. For physics and maths, also understand the formulas and expressions. 

Do not learn them or rot them, just understand how a term or quantity is linked to other terms or quantities and how it depends on other quantities, etc. 

Try to find the relations ship of various quantities given in the formula.

resources for online video lectures:

OR you can see this list of top 10 best educational websites for students in Pakistan

7. Motivation

Motivation and belief in yourself will help you a lot. I have seen many students who get 800 marks in F.Sc get 70 marks in entry test. That is the game of preparation strategies and motivation.

The motivation for You:

I had a student who prepared the entry test at home. He never went to an academy. he had 853 marks in F.Sc pre-medical. He passed his MDCAT with 68 marks. 

He prepared it with the help of the above tips. He tells me that I was surprised to see the test when it was handed to me. 

Almost all the questions were from our F.Sc textbooks. Even the English portion was the one we had learned in our English grammar classes.

So, the entry test is not difficult indeed. The students have a misunderstanding. It is just an ordinary test and even every dull student can pass it if he finally decides.


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