9th class Islamiat Lazmi guess paper pdf 2024

9th class Islamiat lazmi guess paper 2024 for all Punjab boards is published in pdf here on Zahid Notes. You can download the guess paper here. The guess paper is valid for all Punjab boards and federal board.

1. 9th class Islamiat Lazmi book PDF

2. 9th class Islamiat lazmi notes pdf

9th class Islamiat Compulsory guess paper 2024

Yes, this is the guess paper of Islamiat Lazmi or Compulsory for 9th class. Islamiat compulsory guess paper class 9 is for all Punjab board. 

It is for Lahore board, fsd board, gujranwala board, sahiwal board, sargodha board, rawalpindi board, Bhawalpur board etc.

The guess paper includes the following components.

1. 9th class Islamiat New Book guess paper

It means you will find all the important Ayaat of Surah Anfaal for translation. These ayats can come in board exams 2024. 

Surah Anfaal very important ayat for Urdu translation in board exams 2024 are given. You can find these in this Islamiat guesss paper.

2. 9th class Islmiat important Hadees

There are ten Hadith or Hadees in the 9th class Islamiat book. You have to translate the Hdith and explain is briefly in paper. 

So, I have marked all important ayaat of 9th class here. You can see that 9th class Islamiat syllabus includes 1 to 10 Ahadees. 

Hadees No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 are very important.

3. 9th class Islamiat compulsory questions answers

The important questions answers of 9th class islamiat lazmi has been given in the guess paper so that you can prepare your test well.

Exercise MCQs and short questions come in exams. So, just learn exercise based MCQs and Short questions. You will get 100% marks in this section. The details are given in the pdf version of this guess paper.

Important Chapters for short questions

Here are some important chapter for those students who have short time for preparation.

Chapter No. 2, 3, 5, 6 are very important for short questions

Now we move to long questions

4. 9th Islamic study important long questions

There are also long questions guess paper for 9th class Islamic study compulsory.
I have uploaded the guess paper here in pdf. 

You should download the guess paper and read it on your phone or PC. You can also take a printout of the guess paper to prepare it offline.

9th class islamiat compulsory guess paper 2024

Download PDF

You must see the following items for 9th class:

1 comment:


please give answer of all question