Letter to mother about exam preparation

 This is an example letter to mother about exams preparation. You may be asked to write a letter to your mother about your exams preparation. So, this letter will help you write a letter on this topic. You can use this very letter to write to father, sister or brother.

Letter to mother about exams

Please note that this letter is writen by a dausghter or son to his / her mother, sister, father or brother. This letter is written before the exams. 

letter to mother about exam preparation

The writer is going to tell her/his mother about the preparation of exams. If you want a letter that is written to tell about exams result, you can read that letter.

I have written many informal letters to friends and relatives which are published on Zahid Notes. I am creating a whole letters bank here for students. You can suggest me the topics in the comments.

Letter to mother telling her about exams preparation

The letter starts below:

Examination Hall,
February 26, 2023

Dear Mother,

I feel immense pleasure whenever I get your letter. Your letters tell me that there is someone who cares about me more than anyone in the world. Thank you for keeping writing to me.

As you have asked me about my exam preparation, let me tell you the details. My final term exams are on head. I am working hard to get high grades. This time, I hope to get an A+ grade. I have already revised my whole syllabus. I have joined a study group of brilliant students. I have learned a lot from this group. 

My English was weak you know. I have improved to perfection. Now there is rarely a grammar mistake in my English paper. Now I am confident of brilliant performance. I assure you I will give you some good news. I also request you to pray for my success. 

My health is good and I am taking care of it. You need not worry about it. Please tell me about the arrangements and preparations for Farah's wedding in your next letter. I hope to get it soon. I am excited to come home for the wedding after my exams are over.


XYZ (your name)


Here are some other links to letters:

1. Letter to your father explaining the cause of failure

2. Letter to your father for permission of school tour

3. Letter to your father describing the first day at school

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